
May 16, 2010

My Presentation At The Inaugural Meeting of the Sacramento SQL Server User Group

Last week, I got the opportunity to speak at the inaugural meeting of the Sacramento SQL Server User group. How does that happen? Well, I happened to be in Sacramento working in a project that week and had contacted Jay Konigsberg, the lead of the User Group to let him know I was going to be in the area and wanted to attend the user’s inaugural meeting. Kalen Delaney (blog), a fellow MVP and well known SQL expert and author was scheduled to present that day. Few days before the User Group meeting Jay emailed me asking to fill in for Kalen as she had to cancel at the last minute due to an emergency, and of course,  I decided to give it a shot. With an attendance of 18 people, and after few minutes of delay due to some logistic issues, we ended up having great time. I delivered my presentation about SSIS and ETL architecture I presented at the SQL Saturday #33 in Charlotte and received good feedback and great questions from the audience.

But wait, it got better! As a bonus for me, my friend and co-worker Van Scott decided to attend the meeting with me and gave me a free of charge evaluation of my presentation. Van is an experienced speaker and advanced Toastmaster, and his advice certainly came helpful as I am trying to improve my presentation skills.

I would like to thank Jay and the group for giving me the opportunity to speak to them. Big thanks also to Van for his valuable and honest feedback. Thanks a lot guys!

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